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By ‪Krita‬ In-App Purchase
Size : 432.02 MB | Initial Release Date : 2017-05-08 | Last Updated : 2016-04-30 | Works On : Windows 11/10/8.1/7

Editors' Review for Krita

Targeted at digital painting and animation purposes, Krita is the best option. It's a painting design app for illustrators, concept artists, comic book creators, matte painters, and texture artists, and the VFX industry. Krita is used daily by professional artists all over the world, as well as enthusiastic amateurs. With translations in many languages, you can create artwork without any obstruct.

Screenshots of Krita

Krita screenshot Krita screenshot Krita screenshot Krita screenshot Krita screenshot Krita screenshot Krita screenshot Krita screenshot Krita screenshot

Video: Digital Painting. Krita for beginners

Many innovative and fun brush engines

A Pop-up Palette that allows for quick access to favorite brushes and a color selector

Wrap-around mode for making seamless textures

Resource Manager to handle your collections of brushes, patterns and more

Drawing Assistants to help with perspective and image construction

PSD Support: load and save photoshop files, re-use some photoshop brushes

Color management and many color advanced color selectors

Version : 4.0.x (2016-04-30)
Better text tools and vector art capability, python scripting support, etc.

Version : 3.0.x (2015-04-30)
Better performance, animation support, layer, workflow, transform, filter, brush, etc.

Version : 2.9.x (2014-06-30)
Faster Development, better PSD support, layers, masks, brush, resource manager, display, etc.

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