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Download Obsidian for Windows 11

Download Obsidian Free for Windows, Mac and Linux

About Obsidian

Obsidian is a note management software that supports Zettelkasten's note-taking method. It supports Windows, Mac, and Linux three platforms at the same time. The following picture is its official website introduction:

Note-taking is incredibly personal. But how to take smart notes and build the notes in a knowledge base for future use? Obsidian note-taking app can help you achieve that.

Obsidian is a note management software that supports Zettelkasten's note-taking method which is the personal knowledge management and note-taking method used in research and study. The obsidian note app allows you to build connections with different ideas in your brain. You can write down all that you want to with plain text Markdown, and save your notes in a local folder. Obsidian note-taking app offers great interoperability when you use plain text files to sync, encryption, and data processing.

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